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Taxonomy & Metadata services

Taxonomy & Metadata services

Our Taxonomy & Metadata services focus on building taxonomies that are meaningful for your organization's content and data strategy. We bring expertise in the field of taxonomy, including taxonomy development, management and integration. We strive to reduce inconsistencies in your data and increase your return on investment by re-using standards.


We focus on:


Taxonomy development


Inventory taxonomies: enterprise, product, services, content types, etc.

Develop and modify taxonomies and faceted taxonomies

Map out of date taxonomies to new taxonomies

Model and build an ontology



Taxonomy management & tooling


Create taxonomy and business data standards 

Design a taxonomy governance system 

Identify best of breed taxonomy management tools

Identify tools to advance taxonomies into an ontology



Metadata design


Develop search, navigation, profiling, and content management metadata  

Develop or modify metadata standards

Design metadata governance system







If you want to see an increase in revenue or productivity,
let us make it easy for your 
users to find
the best solutions.

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